Academic Profiles
- 2007, Ph.D. Commerce, Murdoch University, Australia.
- 1994, Masters MBA (Pengurusan Kewangan), The University Of Hull, United Kingdom.
- 1991, Bachelor Of Arts Pentadbiran Perniagaan, Ottawa University, USA.
- Port Maritime And Hinterland Development In Southeast Asia / Editors, Muhammad Subhan, Sabariah Yaakub, Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani. 2014. Sintok: Penerbit UUM.
- Brain Drain: Propensity for Malaysian Professionals to Leave for Singapore / Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani … [et al.]. 2016. Singapore: Springer.
- E-Service Quality and Attitude Toward Online Shopping in Developing Countries / Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani … [et al.]. 2015. India: Shipra Publications.
- Teamwork Quality and New Product Development Cycle Time: Study of the Telecom Industry in Saudi Arabia / Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani … [et al.]. 2015. India: Shipra Publications.
- International Marketing Strategy and Export Performance With Special Reference to Malaysia / Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani. 2015. India: Shipra Publications.
- TQM Practices and Municipalities Performance in Developing Countries / Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani. 2015. India: Shipra Publications.