OpenArchive is a free, open source mobile archiving application for documentarians and human rights defenders that securely sends mobile media to the Internet Archive, other...
Archive / 757 views / Popular

Elsevier enables subscribers and the general public to have free access to archived material in 140 Elsevier journals. Articles featured in the archives are free...
Archive / 772 views / Popular

he Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. OAI has its roots in the open...
References / 1030 views / Popular

A leading independent OA publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences : a not-for-profit Social Enterprise run by scholars. All books are available to read...
Books / 1019 views / Popular

What is Open Culture’s Mission? Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. Web 2.0 has given us...
Creative Media / 2126 views / Popular Featured

Open Images is an open media platform that offers online access to audiovisual archive material to stimulate creative reuse. Footage from audiovisual collections can be...
Creative Media / 1070 views / Popular

Open Journal of Accounting (OJAcct) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of all areas of accounting. The goal of this journal is...
Journals / 599 views / Popular

The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access...
Pangkalan Data / 1318 views / Popular

Open Library is an online project intended to create "one web page for every book ever published". Created by Aaron Swartz,Brewster Kahle, Alexis Rossi, Anand...
Books / 2680 views / Popular Featured

The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a charitable organisation dedicated to publishing open access scholarship with no author-facing article processing charges (APCs). We are...
Pangkalan Data / 1220 views / Popular

The Open Music Archive is situated within the current discourse surrounding notions of authorship, ownership and distribution, reanimated by a porting of Free/Libre and Open...
Archive / 770 views / Popular

The Open Music Library has been a project to build a free index of digital resources for the study of music. Curated by a community...
Creative Media / 1165 views / Popular
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