Semua Sumber

Why is the tea-room entrance, or nijiriguchi, so narrow? How did the practice of “passing the bowl,” or mawashinomi, come about? And what hidden meaning...

 Books / 386 views / Popular

ISSN: 2521-0912 (Print) ISSN: 2521-0513 (Online) Frequency: Bi-annual Journal CleanWAS is the official journal of International Water, Air & Soil Conservation Society (INWASCON). Journal CleanWAS...

 Journals / 40 views

The Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (JAST) is a fully open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. JAST was launched by Korea...

 Journals / 1020 views / Popular

Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA) is an open access, semi-annually peer-reviewed international journal published by Institute for Management and Business Research (IMBRe), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)....

 eJurnal UUM / 1603 views / Popular Featured

Journal of Computational Innovation and Analytics (JCIA) is an initiative of the School of Quantitative Science (SQS), Universiti Utara Malaysia to further promote high-impact scholarly...

 eJurnal UUM / 625 views / Popular

Journal of Creative Industry and Sustainable Culture (JCISC) is a refereed academic journal published in both English and Bahasa Malaysia, double-blind reviewed, published annually (October)...

 eJurnal UUM / 606 views / Popular

The Journal of Curriculum and Instruction was a peer-reviewed, open access journal that provided a forum for the dissemination of articles focused on research, practice, and...

 Journals / 972 views / Popular

JES is a journal under Economics and Financial Policy Institute (ECOFI), and School of Economics, Banking and Finance (SEFB), Universiti Utara Malaysia. The journal is...

 eJurnal UUM / 1460 views / Popular Featured

The Journal of Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (JEMBA) is a journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Komputer Indonesia periodically...

 Journals / 151 views / Popular

The Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research (EEIR) is an international refereed online journal published by the Faculty of Business and Management and UiTM...

 Journals / 649 views / Popular

Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI) ([e] ISSN 2299-7326, [p] ISSN 2299-7075) is an interdisciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed journal, emphasizing theoretical and empirical articles on...

 Journals / 1281 views / Popular

Journal of Event, Tourism and Hospitality Studies (JETH) is a newly established and refereed academic journal published in both English and Bahasa Malaysia, annually (July)...

 eJurnal UUM / 728 views / Popular

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