Bermula 1 Ogos sehingga 31 Disember 2017 yang lalu, Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah (PSB) telah menerima seorang pelajar praktikum dari Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Cawangan Kedah.Beliau adalah Cik Nurul Syazwany Binti Harunnalrashid yang merupakan pelajar Sarjana Muda Sains Maklumat (Kepujian), Pengurusan Perpustakaan, Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat. Latihan praktikum ini adalah merupakan salah satu subjek wajib yang perlu dipenuhinya sepanjang tempoh pengajian beliau. Berikut adalah sedikit nukilan pengalaman beliau sepanjang menjalani latihan praktikum di PSB:
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
“All praise to Allah SWT, the lord of the world for giving me the opportunities to accomplish my industrial training in Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah because without His blessing none of this are possible. There are numerous of things I have learned and exposed to about working in a real library during my industrial training. From my own point of view, I can justify that I have changed the way I see and do things by carrying out tasks given to me and alongside that, I also need to deal with my supervisor and colleague that are older than me. To be frankly honest, all these years I have learned about theories in Library Science without knowing how to impliment it in real life situation. However, this is where PSB play its role and teach me how to impliment my knowledge pratically. The staffs here are super friendly and supportive as they will teach and answer each and every question that I have asked in details until I understand it. No matter how hard you crack a book open, if you did not put it into good use and utilize it in your life, it will be easily forgotten. At times when my own light goes out and it is rekindled by a spark from other PSB staffs, each of them that help me has cause me to think with deep gratitude for lighting the flame within me and guide me with their skills and experiences in PSB. There is no word that could describe how thankful I am to PSB for this experiences that I will be using for the rest of my life. In the future, I hope that PSB will be able to give other undergraduates the same opportunity as they did for me.”
Semoga dengan segala pengalaman yang diperolehi dapat membantu beliau dalam menghadapi dunia pekerjaan kelak. Seluruh warga PSB mengucapkan selamat maju jaya dan sehingga berjumpa lagi.
Disediakan oleh: Nurul Syazwany Binti Harunnalrashid (Pelajar Praktikum UiTM)
Disunting oleh: Noraini Alias
Gambar oleh: Mohamad Fuzi Ismail