Why is the tea-room entrance, or nijiriguchi, so narrow? How did the practice of “passing the bowl,” or mawashinomi, come about? And what hidden meaning...
Books / 385 views / Popular

Author: Kentaro Serita This Open Access book carefully examines the legal and historical bases of the territory of Japan as a modern State from the...
Books / 306 views / Popular

Authors: Naoyuki Agawa Copyright Information: Kreab K.K. 2023 This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access. It is the...
Books / 302 views / Popular

This book is a translation of Kokusai seiji: Kyōfu to kibō Kaihan (Chūōkōron Shinsha, 2017), the revised edition of the original published in 1966. English...
Books / 526 views / Popular

Editors: Masayuki Yamauchi & Yuichi Hosoya; Translated by: Keith Krulak Publisher: Springer Singapore Written by 14 leading Japanese historians Highlights the importance of linking historical...
Books / 515 views / Popular

Editors: Shōichi Saeki, Tōru Haga ; Translated by: Takiro Terasihta Publisher: Springer Singapore It contains 41 articles and 42 discourses on Japan seen through the...
Books / 515 views / Popular

Authors: Takeo Kikkawa; Translated by: M.S. Murphy & Kazuya Hirai Publisher: Springer Singapore The book provides insights into over 20 leading innovative entrepreneurs in Japan,...
Books / 537 views / Popular

Authors: Satoshi Machidori; Translated by: Tobias S. Harris Publisher: Springer Singapore This book provides a comprehensive analysis of political reforms in Japan since the 1990s....
Books / 513 views / Popular

Free resource on e-book in subject islamic and muslim world
Books / 1093 views / Popular

The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a...
Books / 1159 views / Popular

Open textbooks are textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed. These books have been reviewed by faculty...
Books / 1574 views / Popular

A leading independent OA publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences : a not-for-profit Social Enterprise run by scholars. All books are available to read...
Books / 1019 views / Popular
Sumber Akses Terbuka (OAR) is a compilation of online free/open source collection on various topics especially related to the subjects taught in UUM.
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Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Journals / 788 views
ODILO – Unlimited Learning Ecosystem
Pangkalan Data / 799 views
The Guide to Malaysia (TGMT), 9th edition
Books / 712 views
Internet Archive
Archive / 797 views
Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA)
eJurnal UUM / 1603 views