
The UNESCO Digital Library is the repository of UNESCO’s institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social...

 Repositories / 1464 views / Popular Featured

MyAgric is a portal that contains information of Malaysian agricultural science and technology, including forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, food science, environmental science and natural resources....

 Repositories / 487 views / Popular

SSRN is an open-access online preprint community providing valuable services to leading academic schools and government institutions. Specializing primarily in social sciences, including economics, law,...

 Repositories / 1276 views / Popular

It use the RePEc bibliographic and author data, providing access to the largest collection of online Economics working papers and journal articles. The majority of...

 Repositories / 1122 views / Popular

RePub, provides access to the academic output of the university and makes it available to everyone, free of charge, now and in the future.

 Repositories / 960 views / Popular

It has access to 22,546,903 publications and 820,749 datasets from 11,614 data sources. These involve 2,544,269 projects and 60,285 organizations from EU. Its provide interoperability services...

 Repositories / 971 views / Popular

It enlarges the audience and impact of your work. Authors who deposit in DASH have access to on-demand metrics and receive monthly reports about their...

 Repositories / 1247 views / Popular

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Sumber Akses Terbuka (OAR) is a compilation of online free/open source collection on various topics especially related to the subjects taught in UUM.

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