International Journal of Banking and Finance

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The idea for an international journal was mooted at the first meeting of the international scholars who met in Crete, Greece, at the 2001 conference of the International Society for Banking & Finance (ISBF). It was felt then that there was room for an internationally-focused banking and finance journal to meet the growing demand for publications of scholarly studies coming from across the world rather than from only major centres. The International Journal of Banking and Finance (IJBF) was then founded in 2001 with its inaugural issue appearing in 2003.
The founding chief editor, 2001-2004, was Dilip Ghosh, Seton Hall University. M. Lakehal-Ayat of St Johns College served during 2005-2009 as joint editor with M. Ariff of Monash University, Australia. M. Ariff was the chief editor from 2010-2011.  From 2012-2013, M. Ariff, who then joined Bond University and A. M. Parhizgari, from Florida International University, served as the joint chief editors. Asish Saha, Visiting Professor, UUM became the Chief Editor from 2015-2016.
The IJBF is a blind peer reviewed journal published internationally with two issues annually and printed in Malaysia by the UUM Press, Universiti Utara Malaysia, which also provides the hard copy print services and distribution of the issues to the subscribers. Since its inception, the editorial team has worked independently to ensure that the selection of papers follow a rigorous process of initial editorial review followed by the blind peer review process.
ISSN 1675-7227
eISSN 2590-423X

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