Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research (EEIR)
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The Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research (EEIR) is an international refereed online journal published by the Faculty of Business and Management and UiTM Press, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.
JEEIR is an open access journal and we do not charge any processing fees or publication charges. All manuscripts will be subjected to a rigorous double blind peer review process. The submitted manuscript should follow Authors’ guidelines and be written in English. Accepted scopes include fields of business. finance and economics with a focus on the Islamic and emerging markets context. The journal is published via the online platform three times a year at the end of January, May and September.
JEEIR is indexed in reputable academic databases namely Asean Citation Index, EconBiz, EBSCOhost, MyCite, Google Scholar, Islamic World Science Citation Center, Directory of Open Access Journals and MyJurnal.
- Listing ID: 136774
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- Related Subject: Miscellaneous