Open Access at Oxford University Press

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Oxford University Press (OUP) is mission-driven to facilitate the widest possible dissemination of high-quality research. We embrace both green and gold open access (OA) publishing to support this mission.

Sustainable, high-quality OA publishing requires either funding to be available to pay for Article Processing Charges, sponsorship, or suitable embargo periods. This limits which journals, disciplines, and fields can shift to OA, a process that requires the support of the relevant research community, scholarly societies, and associations.

For the foreseeable future, we expect a mixed business model publishing industry. In some areas, gold OA will be the best option; in others it will be the subscription model, with provision for green OA after specified periods. As the academic and professional communities evolve and adjust this mix, OUP will continue to drive and support progress in this area.

OUP operates two different open access models:

  • An optional open access model (hybrid OA) for the majority of our journals. Please see the individual journal home pages to find out whether they offer optional open access.
  • OUP also publish fully open access journals