Open Book Publishers

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A leading independent OA publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences : a not-for-profit Social Enterprise run by scholars. All books are available to read online and download for free with no Book Processing Charges (BPCs). OpenBooks publish monographs and textbooks in all disciplines.

Open Book Publishers, founded in 2008, is already the biggest independent open access academic publisher of monographs in the UK and amongst the leaders in the English-speaking world. We are a not-for-profit Social Enterprise run by academics who are committed to making high-quality and prize-winning research available to all, and we are now the hub of choice for a rapidly increasing international network of scholars who believe that it is time for academic publishing to become fairer, faster and more accessible. As founder members of the ScholarLed consortium of academic-led Open Access presses, and part of the Europe-wide HIRMEOS project, we are in the process of developing open source infrastructure to enable other Open Access publishers to grow and flourish. We are working towards a future in which there will be no barriers to the access or production of knowledge. For more information about our current activities and future ambitions