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Jumlah penghantaran: 7

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Pencari Jurnal


Pay To Play? Three New Ways Companies Are Subverting Academic Publishing
Want To Know Whether That Journal Is Scamming You? Introducing The Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker
The Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker
Finding Relevant Scholarly Research For Literature Review: How Can We Be Systematic?
‘Stop Congratulating Colleagues for Publishing in High Impact-Factor Journals’
Web of Science just removed the MDPI flagship journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) from their lists. The second largest journal in the world just lost its impact factor! This is a Q1 Web of Science (SSCI) journal with an Impact factor of 4.614.
Clarivate has invested in a new, internally developed AI tool to help identify outlier characteristics that indicate that a journal may no longer meet their quality criteria. This technology has substantially improved their ability to identify and focus our re-evaluation efforts on journals of concern. At the start of the year, more than 500 journals were flagged.
WOS delisted March 2023.
Nearly 20 Hindawi journals delisted as well.
How to publish responsible reproducible research.
The evolving meaning of ‘corresponding authorship’ in research.
What to do when an academic journal rejects your article.
Article that assessed MDPI journals as “predatory” retracted and replaced.

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