Services for Faculty/Staffs

Academic Teaching Supports!

As a backbone for the UUM information acquisition and dissemination, the Library worked hard to provide a conducive place for faculty members in their learning and teaching endeavor. In order to do that, the library offers numerous services to support your research and teaching efforts including work hand in hand to determined the best academic coursework materials, handling the authenticity of academic writing among students, resources of space for teaching purpose, etc. This guide intent to help you match your teaching approach with the Library services, resources or tools so that you can have a strategic teaching activities and develop your students' skills in finding or evaluating information.

UUM Library Services for Faculty and Staffs member
A. Manage Library Materials

The process of obtaining and manage your library materials for reading, teaching or research efforts is entirely the same as other users but with an extra privilege in Loan Eligibility policy. see Manage Library Materials from A-D steps (where applicable)

Loan Eligibility

As a faculty members or staffs, you are eligible to borrow books and library materials as follows:

Category Items Category No. of copies Duration
Academic Staff (Permanent) Books (General Collection) 30 90 days
Books (Entrepreneurial Collection) 3 2 hours
Books (Northern Triangle Collection) 3 60 days
Video & Transparencies* 5 7 days
Kit & Cassette* 15 7 days
Diskette & CD-ROM* 15 60 days
Academic Staff (Part-time) Books (General Collection) 15 30 days
Books (Northern Triangle Collection) 3 60 days
Video* 3 7 days
Transparencies* 5 7 days
Kit, Cassette & CD-ROM* 10 7 days
Diskette* 10 30 days
Academic Staff (Tutor & Temporary) Books (General Collection) 15 60 days
Books (Northern Triangle Collection) 3 60 days
Video* 3 7 days
Kit & Cassette* 10 7 days
Diskette & CD-ROM* 10 30 days
Transparencies* 5 7 days
Academic Staff (Seconded) Books (General Collection) 30 90 days
Books (Northern Triangle Collection) 3 2 hours
Video & Transparencies* 5 7 days
Kit* 15 7 days
Diskette* 15 60 days
CD-ROM* 10 60 days
Cassette* 10 60 days
Academic Staff (on study leave (local)) Books (General Collection) 20 90 days
Permanent Administrative Staff Books (General Collection) 10 60 days
Temporary / Contract-based Administrative Staff Books (General Collection) 10 30 days
Retired Staff (registered member) Books (General Collection) 2 60 days