Academic Journal Evaluation

This tool is a process for identifying journals that lack of academic credibility and can be considered predatory journals. You can use this tool as a guide before making submissions to any publication. For a better judgement, Librarians are trained to spot predatory journals. Don't hesitate to ask for a second opinion. We can also help you to find a reputable journal in your subject area.

Welcome to Academic Journal Evaluation checklist.

The checklist have 32 questions of Yes or No answers to determine the conformance of academic journal.

The overall result or score will be given at the end of the evaluation.

Please fill in your detail.

Thank you.


The evaluation tool is based on "Think,Check, Submit" initiative that helps researchers identify trusted journals and publishers for their research. Through a range of tools and practical resources, this international, cross-sector initiative aims to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications.


Predatory Journals Characteristics:

  • do not apply a standardized peer-review process
  • may not send your paper to peer-reviewers or may not apply any editing or improvement of them before publishing
  • publish a high number of low-quality papers
  • are more likely to publish fake or hoax papers, as they do not identify them as such due to their poor quality control
  • send spam emails to thousands of researchers asking them to contribute to the journal
  • list members on editorial boards without those people agreeing or knowing of it
  • make up names of editorial board members or authors
  • copy material, design and advertise as established and legitimate journals
  • may even hijack established journals by setting up journals with identical names and similar websites
  • inappropriately or fraudulently use ISSN
  • make up or fake journal metrics such as impact factors and others
  • state wrong or misleading information about the size and the location of the publisher