Creative Media

What is Open Culture’s Mission? Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. Web 2.0 has given us...

 Creative Media / 2125 views / Popular Featured

The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Radio...

 Creative Media / 1621 views / Popular Featured

Artstor’s ever-growing public collections offer approximately 1.3 million freely accessible images, videos, documents, and audio files from library special collections, faculty research, and institutional history...

 Creative Media / 1097 views / Popular

The Open Music Library has been a project to build a free index of digital resources for the study of music. Curated by a community...

 Creative Media / 1163 views / Popular

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a globally-accessible public commons of knowledge and culture. We make it easier for people to share...

 Creative Media / 1236 views / Popular

ccMixter is one of the most robust open-music websites in the world

 Creative Media / 1291 views / Popular

This site is a repository for high quality public domain photos ( no rights reserved images). All photos on this site are explicitly placed in...

 Creative Media / 1041 views / Popular

Smithsonian Open Access invites you to discover a world where you can learn, research, explore, and create in ways you couldn’t before. By making our...

 Creative Media / 1005 views / Popular

Open Images is an open media platform that offers online access to audiovisual archive material to stimulate creative reuse. Footage from audiovisual collections can be...

 Creative Media / 1070 views / Popular

Apa itu OAR?

Sumber Akses Terbuka (OAR) is a compilation of online free/open source collection on various topics especially related to the subjects taught in UUM.

Click on selected resource title link to access the web.


 Pangkalan Data / 799 views

 Books / 711 views

Internet Archive

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