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OpenDOAR is the quality-assured global directory of academic open access repositories. It enables the identification, browsing and search for repositories, based on a range of...

 Directory / 1438 views / Popular

Launched in December 2013, ROAD provides a free access to those ISSN bibliographic records which describe scholarly resources in Open Access: journals, monographic series, conference...

 Directory / 1123 views / Popular

EBSCO Open Dissertations is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs to increase traffic and discoverability of ETD research. You can join the movement and add your...

 Theses / 1644 views / Popular

The data shown on this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB).

 Statistical Data / 1407 views / Popular Featured

It use the RePEc bibliographic and author data, providing access to the largest collection of online Economics working papers and journal articles. The majority of...

 Repositories / 1123 views / Popular

Eldis provides free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. Our database includes over 50,000 summaries and provides free links to...

 Databases / 1027 views / Popular

Electronic Information for Libraries works with libraries worldwide to enable access to digital information for people in developing and transition countries. They are an international...

 Publishers / 1318 views / Popular

All articles in open access journals which are published by Elsevier have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone...

 Journals / 1605 views / Popular

The Britannica Group serves students, families, scholars, community members, and educators around the world. While we may have originated in print, we have evolved into...

 References / 1264 views / Popular

Our knowledge of the many life-forms on Earth - of animals, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria - is scattered around the world in books, journals,...

 References / 1059 views / Popular

RePub, provides access to the academic output of the university and makes it available to everyone, free of charge, now and in the future.

 Repositories / 962 views / Popular

EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses. It demonstrates the quality...

 Theses / 2864 views / Popular

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