Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA) is an open access, semi-annually peer-reviewed international journal published by Institute for Management and Business Research (IMBRe), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)....
UUM eJournals / 1602 views / Popular Featured

IJIB, International Journal of Islamic Business, is a double-blind peer reviewed, international academic journal published biannually (June and December) by Islamic Business School, Universiti Utara Malaysia. A manuscript...
UUM eJournals / 1408 views / Popular Featured

JES is a journal under Economics and Financial Policy Institute (ECOFI), and School of Economics, Banking and Finance (SEFB), Universiti Utara Malaysia. The journal is...
UUM eJournals / 1459 views / Popular Featured

Applied History Journal of Merong Mahawangsa (AHJMM) is a refereed journal published yearly (July) by Universiti Utara Malaysia for the School of Languages, Civilisation and...
UUM eJournals / 415 views / Popular

RENTAS: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastera dan Budaya ialah jurnal yang merentasi ketiga-tiga bidang, iaitu bahasa, sastera dan budaya yang memberi tumpuan kepada aspek isu pengurusan bahasa berkaitan...
UUM eJournals / 489 views / Popular

Journal of Creative Industry and Sustainable Culture (JCISC) is a refereed academic journal published in both English and Bahasa Malaysia, double-blind reviewed, published annually (October)...
UUM eJournals / 605 views / Popular

Journal of Computational Innovation and Analytics (JCIA) is an initiative of the School of Quantitative Science (SQS), Universiti Utara Malaysia to further promote high-impact scholarly...
UUM eJournals / 624 views / Popular

Journal of Event, Tourism and Hospitality Studies (JETH) is a newly established and refereed academic journal published in both English and Bahasa Malaysia, annually (July)...
UUM eJournals / 727 views / Popular

Journal on Leadership and Policy (JLP) is a double-blind peer reviewed, international academic journal published twice a year (July and December) by Tun Dr. Mahathir...
UUM eJournals / 1212 views / Popular

Practitioner Research is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that features the work of practitioner researchers across disciplines and levels, largely from social sciences, for example, education,...
UUM eJournals / 1235 views / Popular

The Journal of Global Business Management Review (GBMR) publishes high quality research studies in the field of Business and Management. Being international and inter-disciplinary in...
UUM eJournals / 1145 views / Popular

Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial (JPS) or Journal of Social Development is a refereed journal published annually (July) by UUM Press for the School of Applied Psychology,...
UUM eJournals / 1628 views / Popular
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Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Journals / 787 views
ODILO – Unlimited Learning Ecosystem
Databases / 798 views
The Guide to Malaysia (TGMT), 9th edition
Books / 711 views
Internet Archive
Archive / 796 views
Journal of Business Management and Accounting (JBMA)
UUM eJournals / 1602 views