Request a Repository Account A. Agreement By using this online Request a Repository Account form, you're automatically abide to the rules as stipulated below : You agree that your request will be fully checked by our Librarian for authentication You can request for a new account, re-active old account or erase current account from this request Your request will receive serious consideration based on our Library Online Service Policy. B. Your Details Please fill in an accurate and complete info of your details and requested items.Full Name *Identification Number *Your Malaysian I/C | PassportYour Designation *Please selectLecturerTutorDeanProfessorLibrarianSenior AdministratorYour Organisation / College / School *Please selectCollege of Arts & Sciences (UUM CAS)College of Business (UUM COB)College of Law, Government & International Studies (UUM COLGIS)Awang Had Salleh Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (AHSGS)Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (OYAGSB)Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government (GSGSG)School of AccountancySchool of GovernmentSchool of Quantitative SciencesSchool of Business ManagementSchool of International StudiesSchool of Applied Psychology, Social Work & PolicySchool of ComputingSchool of Islamic Business SchoolSchool of Technology Management & LogisticsSchool of Economics, Finance & BankingSchool of LawSchool of Tourism, Hospitality & Event ManagementSchool of Education & Modern Languages School of Multimedia Technology & CommunicationSchool of Creative Industry Management & Performing ArtsPerpustakaan Sultanah BahiyahOthersOthers *If your Organisation / College / School not in the list, please inform here.Staff ID *Email Address *Phone *C. For New Account/Re-Activate Please fill in an easy to remembered login details of user name and password. You can change your login details later. You can login into your Repository Account in 2 (two) days (office hours) from/on acceptance of this requestUser NamePasswordD. For Deactivate/Delete Current Account If you wish to deactivate or delete your current account completely, please fill in your username and password to proceed. Be cautious as this process cannot be retrievable and we are not responsible for any loss or damage of your data. *Your account will be completely deactivate or deleted in 2 (two) days (office hours) from/on acceptance of this request.Current User NameCurrent PasswordD. AcknowledgementAcknowledgement *I hereby acknowledge and agree that my request made by me through this form will be seriously considered under the discretion of the Library and shall abide to the rules enforced in terms of Library Online Services regulation.MessageIf you have any extra message. put it here. Please be precise and short. FOR OFFICE USE Date Action Officer Initial Ku Safina Ku Ismail SUBMITPlease do not fill in this field. Total submissions: 1