Open textbooks are textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed. These books have been reviewed by faculty...
Books / 1576 views / Popular

OpenThesis.org is a searchable thesis & dissertation database which helps to increase the availability and utility of these important documents. Historically, theses and dissertations have...
Theses / 6874 views / Popular

It has access to 22,546,903 publications and 820,749 datasets from 11,614 data sources. These involve 2,544,269 projects and 60,285 organizations from EU. Its provide interoperability services...
Repositories / 973 views / Popular

Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (OSCM) publishes high quality refereed articles in the field of operations and supply chain management. The journal...
Journals / 1056 views / Popular

The research publications on Our World in Data are dedicated to a large range of global problems in health, education, violence, political power, human rights,...
Statistical Data / 1303 views / Popular

The official report of the debates and other proceedings in the Selangor Legislative Assembly.
References / 234 views / Popular

Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities is an official journal of Universiti Putra Malaysia. It is an open-access online scientific journal. It publishes original...
Journals / 788 views / Popular Featured

This site is a repository for high quality public domain photos ( no rights reserved images). All photos on this site are explicitly placed in...
Creative Media / 1043 views / Popular

PLOS is a nonprofit, Open Access publisher empowering researchers to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. We’ve been...
Publishers / 1054 views / Popular

Authors: Satoshi Machidori; Translated by: Tobias S. Harris Publisher: Springer Singapore This book provides a comprehensive analysis of political reforms in Japan since the 1990s....
Books / 515 views / Popular

Practitioner Research is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that features the work of practitioner researchers across disciplines and levels, largely from social sciences, for example, education,...
UUM eJournals / 1237 views / Popular
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